Standards Compliant
ChemStores comply with NZ Standards NZS 8409:2021, making it easy for you to meet your chemical storage obligations under this act.
Everything you need
ChemStores come with everything you need to store your chemicals safely and securely. Learn more about ChemStore’s features.
They are shipped as panels, not pieces, so installation is quick and easy saving you time and money. Freight costs is additional and we can give you a quote upon order.
ChemSores are available in a range of sizes to suit most requirements. All ChemStores are NZS 8409:2021 compliant.
Our outdoor units range in capacities from 400L through to 950L. They have been designed to provide a practical and flexible Agrichemical storage solution.
The ChemStore Mini-Cabinet, with its integrated mixing shelf, is an indoor storage solution with a capacity of 220L.
All ChemStores come complete with:
- Metal shelving
- Provision for locking the unit
- Spill and leak containment
- Required Hazchem signage
Find out more about ChemStores’ many features here.
The HSNO Act 1996 is now enforcable and non-compliance is a finable offence. For free advice call us toll free on 0800 22 55 15.

ChemStore Mini Cabinet – 220L
Dimensions: 1150W x 1000H x 480D

Medium ChemStore – 700L
Dimensions: 1500 x 1500

Small ChemStore – 400L
Dimensions: 1500 x 820

Large ChemStore – 950L
Dimensions: 2300 x 1500